Blogger Templates


 Rules & Regulations :

1. Abstracts should be sent to us on or before 18th february.
2.  Selected presentations will be intimated  through mail  on  20TH February .
3. Each presentation will be given a total time of 8+2 min . participants must strictly complete the presentation within the specified time.
4. Each participant should submit two sets of hard copies and a soft copy at the time of registration.

5.Paper must and should be in IEEE Format.
IEEE Rules :   Font-Times New Roman,
                     Spacing-1.5 line
                      Font Size-Title-14pts,Sub-Title-12pts,Caps&text-12pts
                      Paper Size-A4 Letter
                      Max.Pages:6 or 8
                      File Types: Ms - Word(doc)  &  pdf format 

6.Papers will be selected on the basis of content and its quality.
7.Judges will announce the results at end of session.
8. Attractive Prizes will be awarded for winners.

Send ur Abstracts to :                          DEPARTMENT OF EEE :                           DEPARTMENT OF ECE :                          DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL :                           DEPARTMENT OF CSE :