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For any queries regarding to the college fest  feel free to contact us :


  • For DEPT. of EEE    - P.NITHIN PRAVEEN KUMAR     [8143747023]
  • For DEPT.  of ECE  -  K.V SANDEEP                              [8500867865]
  • For DEPT. of  CIVIL –G. NAGENDRA                            (8985341069)
  • For DEPT. of  CSE  -  S.SASI KUMAR                            [9493815152]



For DEPT. of EEE   -  T . RAJESH                         [9701337730]
For DEPT.  of ECE  -  M . RAVI KUMAR             [9533458777]
For DEPT. of  CIVIL – P . CHARAN KUMAR       [9542999897]
For DEPT. of  CSE  -  C. SUDHEER  KUMAR    


   For further information details contact student co-ordinator 

P.NITHIN PRAVEEN   [8143747023]    (or) email id  :  nithinpraveen